Paediatric Para-Meningeal Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma in the Nasal Cavity
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Rhabdomyosarcoma is the second most common malignant soft tissue tumor, which is of skeletal muscle in origin. Alveolar subtype of rhabdomyosarcoma is commonly seen in 10-25 years of age. We present a rare case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a one year old child.
Case report
A one-year-old boy presented with swelling and nasal discharge in the left nasal cavity of two months duration. Examination showed a smooth pink-coloured mass in the left nasal cavity arising from the lateral wall. Fine needle aspiration cytology, biopsy, imaging studies and immunohistochemistry were done and a diagnosis of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma confirmed. Treatment was done by chemoradiation.
Biopsy and immunohistochemistry are the gold standard investigations for rhabdomyosarcoma. It requires a multimodal treatment approach including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
Rhabdomyosarcoma; Paediatric malignancy; Para meningeal; Alveolar; Nasal cavity
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