Hypothyroidism – An Underestimated Complication After Hemithyroidectomy: A Preliminary Study Report

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Neeraj Aggarwal
Sirshak Dutta
Tanaya Panja
Mainak Dutta
Sanjoy Kumar Ghosh
Ramanuj Sinha



Hypothyroidism is a significant but an under-appreciated complication of hemithyroidectomy. The focus of this study was to assess the incidence of hypothyroidism occurring after hemithyroidectomy, identify the risk factors and to suggest a possible follow-up guideline for diagnosis.

Materials and Methods

An institution based preliminary study was conducted in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, in a tertiary care hospital, from August 2014 to December 2015 on 25 patients. The patients were regularly followed up in 1st month, 3rd month, 6thmonth, 9th month and 1 year period with the thyroid function test.


Incidence of hypothyroidism occurring after hemithyroidectomy including transient and permanent cases is 32%. Increased age of presentation, longer duration of thyroid swelling, pre-operative serum TSH level >2.5 mIU/ml, lymphocytic infiltration in histopathology and right sided hemithyroidectomy were found to be the possible risk factors.


It is indicated from this preliminary report that there should be a serial thyroid function monitoring in every post-operative hemithyroidectomy patient, and special attention should be given to the risk group

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How to Cite
Aggarwal N, Dutta S, Panja T, Dutta M, Ghosh SK, Sinha R. Hypothyroidism – An Underestimated Complication After Hemithyroidectomy: A Preliminary Study Report. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2017Apr.30 [cited 2025Jan.31];25(1):19-26. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/106
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Author Biographies

Neeraj Aggarwal, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Junior Resident 

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Sirshak Dutta, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

RMO-cum-Clinical Tutor

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Tanaya Panja, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Junior Resident 

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Mainak Dutta, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

RMO-cum-Clinical Tutor

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Sanjoy Kumar Ghosh, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Senior Resident

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Ramanuj Sinha, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Professor and Head

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata


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