Venous Malformation in the Neck

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Bijan Kumar Adhikary
Sohag Kundu
Bhaskar Ghosh
Ramanuj Sinha



Venous malformation is a benign vascular lesion. Approximately 40% of such cases occur in head and neck.

Case Report

Venous malformation in a 19 year old man is reported, which presented as a lateral neck swelling.


The venous malformation in the head and neck region may confuse the surgeon in distinguishing it from its other common congeners e.g. hemangioma, lymphangioma etc. and may also cause dilemma regarding its treatment modality. Treatment options include surgery, laser therapy, sclerotherapy or a combination depending upon the complexity of the lesion.

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How to Cite
Adhikary BK, Kundu S, Ghosh B, Sinha R. Venous Malformation in the Neck. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2017Dec.29 [cited 2025Mar.27];25(3):173-5. Available from:
Case report
Author Biographies

Bijan Kumar Adhikary, Medical College, Kolkata

Department o ENT,RMO cum Clinical Tutor

Sohag Kundu, Medical college,Kolkata

Department of ENT, RMO cum Clinical TUtor

Bhaskar Ghosh, Medical College, Kolkata

ENT, Assistant Proessor.

Ramanuj Sinha, Medical College,Kolkata



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