Endoscopic Stapedotomy: A New Dimension to the Conventional Microscopic Procedure

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Bhaskar Ghosh
Bijan Kumar Adhikary



Endoscopes are not only complementing microscopic ear surgery but are also establishing their independent role in recent years.

Materials and Methods

This observational study was conducted from February 2018 to February 2019. Thirteen patients with clinical and audio-tympanometric features suggestive of stapedial otosclerosis underwent unilateral endoscopic stapedotomy from February to July 2018. They were followed up for a minimum of 6 months, till February 2019. Zero degree naso-endoscopes were exclusively used. Details of the surgical technique, its usefulness and subjective drawbacks are described.


Two patients with sequel of otitis media with effusion evident at surgery were excluded. With a female predilection, the average age of the subjects was 31 years (range: 17-56 years). Curettage of the posterosuperior wall was needed in 7 patients; significant canalplasty was performed in 2 of them where the endoscope was difficult to negotiate. The chorda tympani required mobilization in only 3 patients, including those requiring significant canalplasty. Per-operative complications included injury to the chorda, tearing of tympanomeatal flap, and instability of the long process of incus in 1 patient each. One patient was lost to follow up. Average pre-operative bone conduction was 10±5dB with an air-bone gap at 35±5dB. At 6 months follow up, air-bone gap of <10dB was achieved in 5 patients, and that at10-20dB in 4. One patient developed moderate sensorineural component. Otherwise, there was no significant complication at 6 months following surgery.


Endoscopic stapedotomy is a safe and effective approach towards stapes surgery, with better surgical field of view and minimal tissue trauma

Article Details

How to Cite
Ghosh B, Adhikary BK. Endoscopic Stapedotomy: A New Dimension to the Conventional Microscopic Procedure. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2019Aug.31 [cited 2025Mar.28];27(2):102-6. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/235
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Author Biographies

Bhaskar Ghosh, Medical College Kolkata


Asst. Professor 

Bijan Kumar Adhikary, Medical College, Kolkata

RMO cum Clinical Tutor, Dept of ENT


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