External Laryngocoele or Anterior Jugular Vein Aneurysm (A Rare Clinical Entity): A Paradox Solved by A Few Simple Non-Invasive Radiological Tests
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The differential diagnosis of a cystic upper neck mass that becomes prominent on coughing, straining, breath holding, or Valsalva manoeuvre includes mediastinal tumours and cysts, external laryngeal diverticula, and jugular venous aneurysms. Jugular venous aneurysms, while extremely rare, must be considered. We report the fifth case of anterior jugular aneurysm in an adult patient.
Case Report
A 55 year old female patient presented with a swelling in the upper part of right side of neck near the greater cornu of hyoid bone. The swelling increased with Valsalva, straining and while stooping forward. Clinically it was thought to be an external laryngocoele. However Colour Doppler Ultra-sonography and C.T angiogram of neck established it as of anterior jugular venous aneurysm by distinguishing from external laryngocoele.
Patient presenting with unilateral cystic swelling in upper neck at upper border of thyroid cartilage which clinically bears the common provisional diagnosis of external laryngocele must be differentiated radiologically from anterior jugular venous aneurysm, (though rare in occurrence) to avoid a catastrophic incident during surgery.
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