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Somesh Mozumder
Arunabha Sengupta
Alok Ranjan Mondal
Soumik Basu


Introduction: Chronic otitis media is a long standing infection of part or whole of middle ear cleft. Its active squamosal variant (cholesteatoma) is most dangerous due to its bone eroding property.

Aims & Objective: Background knowledge of ossicular status in cholesteatoma  will help us in determining the type  of reconstruction needed during the surgery.

Material & methods: 60 cases of cholesteama, irrespective of age and sex [diagnosed on the basis of clinical examination , audiological and radiological evaluation] were selected during the study period of two years and their ossicular status were recorded intra-operatively.

Results &  analysis: Ossicles and their parts getting involved in cholesteatoma cases , in decreasing order are :

Lenticular process (in total 50 cases)>Long process of incus (in total 49 cases) > stapes super-structure(in total 29 cases) > body of incus(in total 26 cases)> head of malleus(in total 23 cases)> handle of malleus(in total 10 cases).

Ossicular chain  defeact in decreasing order are : M-I-S- > M+I-S- > M-I-S+ > M+I-S+.

Conclusion: In our study it was found that incus is the most vulnerable ossicle to get involved in cases of active squamosal variety of chronic otitis media where as malleus appeared to be the least susceptible one.

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How to Cite
Mozumder S, Sengupta A, Mondal AR, Basu S. OSSICULAR STATUS IN CHOLESTEATOMA : A DEPARTMENTAL EXPERIENCE IN A STATE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF WESTBENGAL. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2015Dec.1 [cited 2025Feb.22];23(3):116-9. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/58
Case series
Author Biographies

Somesh Mozumder, I.P.G.M.E & R & S.S.K.M Hospital. KOLKATA

Ex Post Graduate Trainee( M.S-E.N.T )

Dept. of E.N.T & Head & Neck Surgery

Arunabha Sengupta, I.P.G.M.E & R & S.S.K.M Hospital. KOLKATA

Head of the Department

Dept. of E.N.T & Head & Neck Surgery.

I.P.G.M.E & R & S.S.K.M Hospital.

Alok Ranjan Mondal, I.P.G.M.E & R & S.S.K.M Hospital. KOLKATA

Resident Medical Officer & Clinical tutor


Dept. of E.N.T & Head & Neck Surgery.

I.P.G.M.E & R & S.S.K.M Hospital.

Soumik Basu, I.P.G.M.E & R & S.S.K.M Hospital. KOLKATA

Junior Resident,
Dept. of E.N.T & Head & Neck Surgery


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