Ossiculoplasty using Autologous Reshaped Incus and Teflon PORP: A Comparative Study
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Autologous reshaped Incus and Teflon partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP) are commonly used for ossicular chain reconstruction. The present study attempts to assess the post-operative outcome with these two prostheses.
Materials and Methods
A Randomized prospective study was conducted in Tertiary referral care hospital to determine which material, among autologous reshaped Incus and Teflon partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP) gives better postoperative hearing result in Ossiculoplasty.
Patients presenting at outpatients’ department with the clinical diagnosis of chronic otitis media with perforation or retraction. The study population consisted of a total of 50 patients. Ossiculoplasty with reshaped Incus or PORP was performed after Canal Wall Up mastoidectomy. Hearing results were measured by Air-Bone gap in PTA after 6 months of surgery.
Selecting the criteria <20 dB ABG as success when Stapes superstructure is present, Incus has 64.29% success rate, whereas PORP has 31.81% success. Extrusion rate of different prosthesis shows PORP has 18.18% extrusion whereas autologous Incus has lower (7.14%) extrusion rate.
Among these two ossiculoplasty materials, autologous Incus gives better postoperative hearing gain and lower extrusion rate.
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