The Efficacy of Local Application of Mitomycin C in Reducing Recurrence Rate of Keloid after Surgery

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Anindita Sengupta
Arindam Das
Debasish Ghosh
Subhadip Dhara
Soumyendu Ghosh
Arunabha Sengupta
Subhendu Bhattacharya



Keloid is a hyperproliferative response of the fibroelastic connective tissue to dermal trauma, appearing predominantly in areas of high skin tension. Surgical excision produces immediate cosmetic correction, but recurrence rates after surgical treatment alone are high and post excision adjunct therapies should be considered. Topical application of Mitomycin C has shown to suppress cell division, fibroblast proliferation, protein and collagen synthesis and angiogenesis. In our study we applied it locally after surgical excision of keloid of auricle and compared the outcome with post-surgical perilesional Triamcinolone acetonide injection to reduce recurrence.

Materials and Method

Fifty cases with primary or recurrent keloid over auricle were studied from February 2015 to January 2016. They are divided into two groups; Group 1 received local Mitomycin C application after keloid excision while Group 2 had perilesional injection of Triamcinolone acetonide after surgical excision of keloid. The results were compared 6 months after the initial treatment.


There was no statistical difference in the baseline characteristics like age, sex, type of symptoms and previous history of recurrence between the two groups. Most of the patients in both the groups were aged between 14 and 30 years. The study population constituted predominantly of females. At the end of 6 months follow up, the recurrences noted were 5 and 6 respectively in Group 1 and 2 out of 25 patients in each group.


After surgical excision of keloid, topical application of Mitomycin C is as effective as intralesional Triamcinolone acetonide injection in terms of recurrence of the keloids affecting the auricle.

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How to Cite
Sengupta A, Das A, Ghosh D, Dhara S, Ghosh S, Sengupta A, Bhattacharya S. The Efficacy of Local Application of Mitomycin C in Reducing Recurrence Rate of Keloid after Surgery. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2016Dec.18 [cited 2025Mar.28];24(3):117-21. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Anindita Sengupta, IPGMER AND SSKM Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of ENT and Head Neck Surgery, Senior Resident

Arindam Das, Kothari Medical Centre, Kolkata

ENT and Head Neck Surgery, Consultant

Debasish Ghosh, IPGMER AND SSKM Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of ENT and Head Neck Surgery, Assistant Professor

Subhadip Dhara, IPGMER AND SSKM Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of ENT and Head Neck Surgery, Senior Resident

Soumyendu Ghosh, Techno Global Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of Anaesthesiology

Arunabha Sengupta, IPGMER & SSKM Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of ENT and Head Neck Surgery:Professor and HOD

Subhendu Bhattacharya, IPGMER & SSKM Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of ENT and Head Neck Surgery, Senior Resident


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