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Somesh Mozumder
Shirish Dubey
Aniruddha Dam
Anup Kumar Bhowmick


Introduction: Primary malignant melanoma of the oral cavity is a rare neoplasm. The tumors tend to metastasize or locally invade tissue more readily than other malignant tumors in the oral region.

Case Report: A 55 year old male presented with left sided hard cervical lymphadenopathy with unknown primary with cytology of malignant melanoma. 18FDG-PET-C.T scan helped identification of the primary.

Discussion: The survival of patients with mucosal melanomas is less than for those with cutaneous melanomas. Tumor size and metastases are related to the prognosis of the disease. Early oral malignant melanomas can be clinically very difficult to distinguish from other benign oral pigmented lesions.

Conclusion:  Any case presenting with cervical lymphadenopathy with a cytological diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma and without clinically identifiable primary, early detection using whole body 18FDG-PET CT is utmost important.

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How to Cite
Mozumder S, Dubey S, Dam A, Bhowmick AK. A CASE OF ORAL MUCOSAL MALIGNANT MELANOMA IN DISGUISE OF CERVICAL METASTATIC LYPMHADENOPATHY WITH APPARENTLY UNKNOWN PRIMARY. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2015Dec.1 [cited 2025Jan.22];23(3):129-33. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/63
Case report
Author Biographies

Somesh Mozumder, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata. 37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA

Senior Resident

Department of E.N.T- Head& Neck Oncology Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata.  37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA 

Shirish Dubey, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata. 37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA

Clinical Fellow.

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata. 37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA 

Aniruddha Dam, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata. 37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA

Head of the department.

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata. 37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA 

Anup Kumar Bhowmick, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata. 37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA

Consultant & Specialist grade-II

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Kolkata. 37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026. West Bengal, INDIA 


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